PRiME Releases a New Software Tool – the PRiME Framework

| Demonstrators, News, Tools

PRiME is pleased to announce the release of PRiME Framework which enables application- and platform-agnostic runtime management.

Being able to balance the competing needs of application performance with the minimisation of system power is essential for future systems and one way to achieve this is with application-aware runtime management of system behaviour. There are many runtime management approaches; however, many are tied to specific hardware or applications, this makes direct comparison challenging and complicates implementation with new platforms and applications.

PRiME researchers have developed a tool, Prime Framework, for application and platform agnostic runtime management that enables portability of runtime management approaches. We achieve this by considering a system as three distinct layers with abstracted communication between them.

The PRiME Framework has two main features:

  1. It allows users, who are developing runtime managers for new systems, to directly compare different approaches to identify the best one or check how well their approach compares to the state of the art.
  1. It simplifies development effort as runtime managers don’t need device or application specific code allowing the users to quickly prototype and test an idea in a few lines of code.

 “The PRiME Framework is a step change in cross-layer system optimisation of future many-core and heterogeneous systems. It benefits runtime management researchers and developers by reducing development overhead and enabling the direct comparison of approaches,” said Professor Bashir Al-Hashimi.

The following video will illustrate how contributions from the PRiME project integrate to enable application- and platform-agnostic runtime management that respects application performance targets.

Details of the tool methodology have been accepted for publication in ReCoSoC 2018 and PEC 2018 both of which will be published shortly.

PRiME Framework is available to download on: