Working with Us

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We’re keen to see the outputs from the PRiME research programme put to use, both in academia but also particularly in industry. This includes sharing the results of the research as it progresses – but also in receiving input and ideas on future hardware and software developments, novel application domains, benchmarks, etc

We’re very pleased to have our industrial partners working with us on the advisory board, but we’re also keen to develop relationships with a wider audience, e.g. SMEs working in fields relevant to our research.

Information about our research – Research Briefs

To try and make our research work more accessible to a non-academic audience, we’ve produced several “Research Briefs”. These are two page summaries of a particular area of research which describe what we’re doing and how we think it may be relevant. These are shown in the table below (click to view each one). We’re planning to keep adding new research briefs as our work progresses, so check back regularly to see if there’s something of interest.

DVFS Online Timing SlackUsing online timing slack sensors with DVFS to reduce the timing margins required during chip layout
RTM models and automatic code generationAutomatic generation of run-time management software from Event-B models
Scalable Performance OptimisationScalable performance optimization for power-constrained many-core systems
Thermal ManagementEnergy efficient thermal management of embedded systems
Adaptive energy managementAdaptive energy management in heterogeneous systems
Order graph parametric modellingModelling various (design) parameters using order graphs
Modelling the 4 PRiME parametersModelling voltage, throughput, power and data reliability for scaleable multi-core systems


Working more formally with us

PRiME also offers the opportunity for interested organisations to become programme associates. Designed for companies who operate in fields with a clear synergy to the research areas being pursued by PRiME, e.g. embedded processor architecture, on-chip PVT monitoring, run-time software, modelling, etc.

The benefits of becoming a programme associate are:

Finding out more – visits & seminars

If you have a particular interest in what we’re doing, we’d be delighted to discuss further and/or to arrange a visit to any of our four participating universities. Likewise, we’ve also held PRiME research seminars at companies’ sites where we make presentations and show practical demonstrations of our work to a wider audience. These have proved extremely useful and we would be happy to organise a seminar for your company if required.

If any of this is of interest, or for any further discussions or queries, please contact PRiME’s Impact & Collaboration Manager, Gerry Scott, to discuss further.    023 8059 2749